1- Handout: Heavenly Father and Jesus love me badge (Graphic 1) Print a badge for each child. Color and cut. 2- Handout: I am a child of God badge (Graphic 2) Print a badge for each child. Color and cut. 3- Handout: I look like Heavenly Father and Jesus (Graphic 3) Print mirror pieces for each child. Color, cut and glue foil to back piece. Glue front to back to make mirror. 4- Activity: I Am a Child of God crown (Graphic 4) Print a crown for each child. Tape or staple crown together. 5- Activity: Prayer Wheel (Graphic 5) Print a badge for each child. Color and cut. 6- Object Lesson: Oranges Show the children a basket of oranges. Ask one child to come up and pick one orange from the basket. Tell the child to study the orange very carefully and then put it back in the basket. After the child has put the orange in the basket, ask him to identify which orange is his. Ask him to tell everyone how he could distinguish his orange from the others. Just as this child could know his orange from all of the others, Heavenly Father knows each of His children. 7- Singing Time Idea: He Loves Me (Graphic 6) Print, color and cut. Write the songs that you want to sing on five of the flower petals. Using poster putty, assemble the flower on the board. Arrange the petals so that the ones with songs written on them are placed every other petal. Ask the children if they have ever seen someone pull the petals from a flower and say the words, ”He loves me, he loves me not.” Tell them that you are going to do that in singing time today. There are seven petals so it should end on “He loves me.” Have a child come up and pull a petal from the flower and say, “He loves me.” Sing the song on the back of the petal. For the next petal, you pull it and say, “He loves me not.” Then call another child up to pick a petal. Repeat until the last petal has been pulled. Make sure that you always pull the petal that is ”He loves me not.“ and that the last petal will be “He loves me.” After the last song tell the children that many people wonder if Heavenly Father loves them. Share your testimony that you know Heavenly Father loves each of them. Sing “I Am a Child of God”, CS 2.